Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


4.00pm 24 November 2020


Virtual Meeting (Microsoft Teams)



decision list



Part One





Open Spaces Strategy Update



Contact Officer:

Paul Campbell

Tel: 07816753581


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           That the committee requests officers to bring to a future committee a report on progress to delivering resilience and potential new funding for parks and open spaces as set out in the Open Spaces Strategy 2017 including but not limited to the Parks Foundation, sponsorship, donations and advertising etc. The report to also include discussion as to progress on all the priorities detailed in the 2017 strategy that will also enable a decision to be made on the draft update included in this report referenced Appendix 2, Draft No. 3.


2)           That the committee approves the initiation of a consultation in relation to a refresh of the Allotments Strategy 2014- 2024 Delivery Plan, to ensure transparency and a refocus on delivery of the objectives of the strategy.


3)           That the committee approves a trial of wildflower areas on grass verges in the Stanmer Park and Hollingdean ward in response to a letter by Councillor Martin Osbourne for the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.







Fleet Strategy



Contact Officer:

Ian Greene

Tel: 01273 294707


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           That the committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the Fleet Strategy 2020-2030 (appx 1) and Action Plan (appx 2) are adopted.


2)           That the committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the model of centralised purchasing through the Fleet Service using unsupported borrowing is continued as opposed to leasing.


3)           That the committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that approval for £1 million of additional capital investment funded from unsupported borrowing is agreed for 2021/22 to enable the decarbonisation of the council’s refuse vehicle fleet on the basis that borrowing costs are repaid from savings in the Fleet revenue budget.







Household Waste Recycling Sites



Contact Officer:

Lynsay Cook

Tel: 01273 291851


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approve for a public consultation to take place on 1) introducing charges for some waste at the HWRS and 2) to implement ID checks at the HWRS.







Keeping the city clean



Contact Officer:

Lynsay Cook

Tel: 01273 291851


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee note the response to the Notice of Motion as detailed in Appendix 1 and the Seafront Action Plan in Appendix 2.


2)            That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee endorse the development of a Waste, Resources & Street Cleansing Strategy as described in sections 3.4 to 3.11 and the Communications and Engagement Plan as detailed in Appendix 3.







Impact of Tree Diseases



Contact Officer:

Robert Walker

Tel: 01273 294349


Ward Affected:

All Wards




That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:


1)           Note the initial projected cost of £3.4 million to deal with ash dieback (of which £0.352 million relates to ash trees on housing land) over the next 5 – 10 years.


2)           Recommend to Policy & Resources Committee the allocation of an initial tranche of £0.400 million funding during the 21/22 budget setting to start tackling Ash die-back.

3)           Notes the cost pressure of £0.300 million in 20/21 for dealing with elm disease which is being managed within budget by making in- year savings.


4)           Recommends that Policy & Resources allocate £0.200 million in the budget setting for 21/22 to deal with elm disease next year.


5)           Approves the approaches being taken to tackle these two diseases.







Emergency Active Travel measures - Blue Badge holder parking and access for disabled people



Contact Officer:

Mark Prior

Tel: 01273 292095


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the action being taken to address the issues raised in the deputation on Blue Badge holder parking and access for disabled people be noted;


2)            That in relation to 2.1 above, to request that the action being taken takes fully into account experiences of Blue Badge holders and those who have difficulties getting around in order to avoid negative outcomes by undertaking a city-wide appraisal with the aim of improving access for disabled and less abled people; and


3)            That it be noted that this action is not considered to breach the Council’s obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty.







Parking Annual Report 2019-2020



Contact Officer:

Paul Nicholls

Tel: 01273 293287


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee endorses the publication of the Parking Annual Report for 2019-20 under the provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004.


2)            That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee authorises the Head of Parking to produce and publish the report, which will be made available on the Council’s website.


3)            That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee notes the view on the potential use of parking income to invest in the restoration of the Madeira Terraces area within the Financial and Legal implications.










Parking Permit Review



Contact Officer:

Peter Turner

Tel: 01273 295890


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A, whilst retaining the current requirement for Carers permit eligibility:

·   Self-employed Professional Carers Permit

·   School Permits


2)            That the Committee notes the staff engagement analysis.







Parking Scheme Update Report



Contact Officer:

Catherine Dignan

Tel: 01273 292235


Ward Affected:

Patcham; Preston Park; Withdean




1)            That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage of advertising a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a light touch resident parking scheme in the Surrenden Area.







Frederick Gardens request for gates



Contact Officer:

Andrew Westwood

Tel: 01273 292468


Ward Affected:

St Peter's & North Laine




1)            That the Committee agree to introduce signing improvements to reduce the use of the twitten as a through route.







BTN  Bikeshare Reorganisation



Contact Officer:

Matthew Thompson

Tel: 01273 293705


Ward Affected:

All Wards




That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:


1)           Agree to procure a single supplier concession contract which is established as a framework so that neighbouring authorities can enter into call-off contracts with the supplier creating a wider bike network.


2)           Agree to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment &Culture and Executive Lead Strategy Governance & Law to take all necessary steps to implement the recommendation at 2.1.


3)           Approve that any surplus revenue from the bikeshare scheme received by the Council is invested back into servicing the borrowing and / or fleet replacement.


